Nursery to KG & Class I - Class III

Best school in Visakhapatnam


Joyfully explore the world, ask questions, build basic skills.

Themes to sense the world – Observe and experience the world through exciting themes like family, festivals, nature etc. that bring together many subjects.


Communicate – Build a basic vocabulary along with listening and speaking skills, listen to and tell stories, write freely and read with interest.


Analyze – Understand the concept of numbers and the skill to apply it to basic mathematical operations, counting, classifying and sequencing objects.


Nurturing Mind, Body and Spirit – Strengthen a growing body, establish relationships and embrace learning.

Middle ProgrammeClass IV - Class VIII / Age 9-14

Ask why and find out how things work, master concepts, apply knowledge and discover talents.

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Senior ProgrammeClass IX - Class XII

Solve complex problems, choose a career and be confident to face life's challenges.

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