An Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intelligent robot, which can automatically sense and overcome obstacles on its path. It makes use of ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles on its path, that is matched with a servo motor.
An Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intelligent robot, which can automatically sense and overcome obstacles on its path. It makes use of ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles on its path, that is matched with a servo motor.
It makes use of the distance between the robot and the nearest obstacle (in every direction) and then decides upon the necessary action to be taken. The servo motor controls the direction in which the sensor is facing and if the robot is hindered by an obstacle, the motor will trigger and rotates the sensor to another direction. Once the robot is convinced about no obstacles along the path, it will turn the robot towards that direction, and makes it move in a straight line in the same direction until an obstacle is faced. If there is no way ahead, the robot executes a 180° turn to keep the movement.
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